Friday, March 18, 2011

Beautiful Long Stem Ribbon Roses

The roses can be displayed on both countertop and standing floor stands

We have many colors to choose from

Our Irish roses were big sellers this season. The green rose comes with a gift card

An Irish Blessing

Our roses come with a variety of attached gift cards:

I Love You
For SomeoneVery Special to Me
WIth Love Especially for You
With Love You Are Always on My Mind
Especially for You
With All My Love

And More!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Old Flower Seller Photos and Paintings

Victorian flower sellers were considered to be the poorest of the poor

I just love the old art of the flower sellers. During the Renaissance and Victorian times, artists often painted those who were poor. Many of these old paintings depicted gypsies and peasants in their natural surroundings, whether it be a beautiful meadow or a crowded city street.

Peasant flower sellers often worked long into the wee hours of the morning so that they could provide for their large families